And so we begin [again]...

If I'm being honest, I feel like I'm the master at starting things. Though to finish... well, that is a different story.

And so what better way to begin this blog than to give a nod to the previous blogs I started and lost along the way?

Of course, I don't mean lost in the way of can no longer find them...

I mean lost as in lost interest in... lost motivation for... lost my voice.

Because that's what these last 5 years feel like: a lot of loss.

I feel like I find footing, only to misstep and trip.

I find words, only to misspeak, go red in the face, and fumble to overexplain what I really mean.

I find passion, only to question it all.

And yet, the funny thing is, as I process through these beliefs of missteps and misspoken words and questions... I find that it was really all just me.

In the process of answering a call from God, I find myself creating my own way. Instead of letting the Father guide me⎯moving in me, through me, and with meI begin to try to come up with ways to do the thing God invited me to do with Him.

And that is when missteps are taken, misspoken words are shared, and questions are left unanswered.

But God... oh our dear and Heavenly Father... He never tires of picking us up when we recognize we're lost again. He is so gentle to hold us as we cry, comfort us when we mourn, and laugh with us as we find joy again.

Because of this, I can confidently start another blog.

On another website.

With another fresh motivation.

And something about this time feels different...

I think it's because I've [finally] realized I can't do it without Him... and that it really and truly isn't even worth trying.

What is He asking you to give another chance to?

Goodnight, my friends. ♥️ May peace fill your soul and fuel your dreams.

xoxo, Jenny


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