When we wait just to keep waiting.

Sometimes our waiting feels like we are just waiting for more waiting.

You know what I mean. It’s when we receive the answer to a prayer to find out that we now have another thing we’re praying for and waiting for.

And honestly, everyone’s story holds so many of these moments. I’ve been reading through the Old Testament and I am so pulled into every moment waiting is revealed.

Let’s consider Noah for a minute.

God told Noah to build an ark. He gave him the exact specifications and told him how to do it and what to use.

So Noah did it.

There is a lot of speculation and debate on the timeframe in which Noah actually built the ark before the rains came, but I invite you to think about this: While Noah was building the ark for something that no one even believed in, He was waiting for the promise of God.

He was doing what he was invited to do while he waited to see what God said He would do.

When the rains finally start, Noah and his family get in the ark with all the animals…

and they wait.

The bible says it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. I’ve heard that this was a cultural term to mean “a really long time.” But regardless of whether it was a literal 40 days and 40 nights or just a really long time… Noah and his family were living life inside that ark with a whole bunch of animals…

and they wait.

Then the rains ended. Hurrah! Freedom! They get to get out of there!

Oh, but hold up, now the earth and sky need to slowly but surely separate these waters… soaking in and evaporating out.

Finally, the ark settles on land! This must be it! They can leave!!

But there is nowhere to go yet… waters still surround these mountains the ark has nestled into…

and so they wait.

Knowing the waters are receding, Noah sends out a bird to find a spot to land, but the bird returns, having found nowhere to nest…

and they wait.

Noah sends the bird out again… it returns with an olive branch. The earth is blooming! It is growing! But it isn’t time yet…

and they wait.

Finally, the dove is sent out again and doesn’t return. Surely they can just walk out now, right? But God hasn’t given direction yet…

and they wait.

At long last… God instructs Noah and his family to leave the boat. They can now settle again on dry land.

And their story obviously carries on and continues and has its ups and downs.

But man… that’s a whole lot of waiting.

And MAN… it was a REALLY BIG THING God was doing.

I think that often, what we’re waiting for takes longer because it’s not as small as we think it is.

It isn’t just a child, it’s a life that is purposed for and ordained for such a time as when they’re meant to arrive.

It isn’t just a spouse, it’s someone who you get to know, learn, grow with, and carry out the purpose of God with for the rest of your life.

It isn’t just a job, it’s a calling and ministry, a place to share the love of Christ with everyone you come in contact with.

It isn’t just money, it is provision from the Father to do with as He knows is best for you, your community, and your bank account.

It isn’t just a house or place to live, it’s a sanctuary for His kingdom, a place to share His hospitality, His love, and His peace.

Whatever you’re praying for, waiting for, longing for? It’s never a “just.”

God is working and moving. We are told he is working all things together for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) That doesn’t just mean for me, or for you… it means He is working things for ALL of those who love Him.

I want to remind you to see that the answer to your wait won’t fix everything, but it will be another step in the direction God is taking you.

I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ! Philippians 1:6 TPT



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